A comprehensive approach

We optimize and perform all processes in a complex

For our client, the main thing is a quality result in a short time, without looking for each worker separately.

Our client does not spend time searching for and purchasing materials, does not try to connect a designer with a contractor or designer.

Construction of various complexity in the Chernihiv region

How we work

Transparency — we do not hide the price in additional works
Individual approach - in each specific situation, we look for optimal solutions for each client, we promote savings where it is justified and does not cause quality losses
Comprehensive approach — we do not deal with partial repairs (apartments, current repairs, installation of only doors, 2-3 m2 tiles, etc.)
We optimize and perform all processes in a complex, for our client the main thing is a quality result in a short time, without looking for each worker separately.
Extensive experience in the implementation of various projects, both public and commercial
Good reputation, positive reviews from various companies and institutions
Cooperation with leading contractors, manufacturers, project organizations
and state institutions of Ukraine and international organizations. This makes it possible to monitor new trends, introduce technologies and promptly monitor changes in the construction industry.
Quality guarantee - we provide an official guarantee for all work performed
Payment by cash or non-cash payment with VAT

Experience and achievements

We have been working successfully for 29 years in the market of construction services
More than 100 won public and private procurements
More than 200 completed projects

Step by step we reach the goal

Design tasks
Maintaining and obtaining permit documentation (if necessary)
Construction / repair

Frequently asked questions, FAQ

You pay for your time, we are a company, not a team. If you purchase services/works on a competitive basis, we are ready to provide our offer.
Construction is a complex process that involves a large number of variables, which significantly eats into the cost. To be able to adequately estimate the cost of project implementation, it is necessary to first develop the project and/or estimate part. This is the base on the basis of which a competitive offer is provided.
All questions


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Victor Shanskyi
Deputy head of the GUNP in the Chernihiv region
...employees of the BPP firm "Nominal" showed a high level of professionalism and responsibility in fulfilling their obligations and proved themselves as a reliable partner...
...the works were performed in a high-quality manner and within the term specified in the contract...
S.I. Syvenko
Acting head of the capital construction department
...Employees of BPP "Firm "Nominal" demonstrated a sufficient level of responsibility and reliability when performing a complex of works, and the engineering and technical staff of the enterprise provided an opportunity to quickly and qualitatively perform the tasks set before them...
O. Y. Shcherbyna
...BPP "Firma "Nominal" made a favorable impression as a reliable business partner. The work performed by the enterprise was performed with high quality, there were no complaints about the professionalism of the employees of this enterprise.
...BPP Firm "Nominal" performs work with high quality, listens to the Customer's comments...
...BPP "Firma "Nominal" made a favorable impression as a reliable business partner. Willingness to fulfill the obligations assumed. All works and services are provided on time and within the specified terms...
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